How to Make a Girl Smile: 7 Things To Make Her Smile

how to make a girl smile - girl smiling ear-to-ear
“Nothing you wear is more important than your smile.”

If you want to make a girl smile, you’ll find it easy after reading this page…

… because you’ll get several ways to make her smile, whether it’s a new girl or the woman you’re in a relationship with.

As you probably know, being able to make girls smile is essential if you want to attract women.

Because when you make a girl smile, you generate good feelings. and she’ll associates those good feelings with you.

Do you know what that means?

It means she’ll be thinking about you more… positively.

And the more you can keep a girl thinking about you positively, the more eager she will be to see you again.

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With that in mind, here some things you can do to keep a girl smiling till her cheeks hurt:

I personally prefer to see the girl in close proximity smile, so we’ll start with that. (If you prefer getting a smiley face 🙂 or ‘LOL’, no worries. we’ll get to that later.)

The best time to make a girl smile is when you first meet her.


Because you’ll leave a lasting impression that will make her want to know more about you.

Not only that, you’ll be showing that you have confidence and sense of humor — traits women can’t seem to resist in a man.

In addition, you are setting a safe and relaxed vibe where she can be herself.


If you want to get to know a girl better and want to get her interested in you, make her smile.

(And make her feel she’s in the company of a confident man.)

How to Make a Girl Smile With Humor

Though you can make a girl smile without being funny, humor is always your best bet if you want to make a girl giggle and laugh.

So it’s fine to crack a joke… even when it’s lame.

That alone will make her smile but if you want to tell better jokes, just remember that humor often comes from ideas married together in unexpected ways.

I’m sure you’ll find a way to spark humor if you don’t take yourself too seriously.

Another thing you can try that is in the same breath is using… pickup lines. What you do is choose something lame yet flattering at the same time.

And be sure to let her know that you’re just having fun and not trying to win her over with your line.

If you can pull it off — not all can — you’ll get a pleasant surprise.

If you’re looking for jokes to make her smile, just look around at what’s around you.

You know, there’s always something funny or interesting happening where you’re at, if you know where to look.

Pay attention to other people or things that will make a girl smile in your environment. If you find something funny, point it out to her, and you’ll get another smile out of her.

Maybe you don’t even have to look that far.

If you catch a moment of clumsiness, when either you or her did a something little silly, have a funny remark to go along with it and you’ll score another smile out of her.

Use your silly voice or an impression of someone famous, and maybe you’ll get a laugh and an even bigger smile.

You see, if you can make your friends laugh with something, there’s a good chance she will also find the same things funny.

So try a funny face or tricks you know that get laughs from girls again and again.

Another thing that’s guaranteed to make her smile is doing something unexpected and spontaneous, something she will not be expecting.

This is where over-the-top theatrics come in where you up your game to the point of absurdity.

You see, exaggeration is one of the best ways to make something funny and make someone smile (even when she’s upset).

An example is when you risk making a fool out of yourself and saying hello with a formal yet flamboyant bow followed by handing her a huge box of something nice.

Think of something outrageously funny and I’m sure your over-the-top romantic gesture will likely get you more than a simple smile from her.

Making a Girl Smile With a Smile

Now, being silly and making a fool out of yourself may not be everyone’s cup of tea.

I mean, why go that far if you can make girls smile with a genuine smile instead.

It’s as easy as making eye contact and giving her a genuine smile.

What’s more, this simple act of smiling makes you more attractive, more confident to those around you, friendly and approachable, and raises her energy level.

Try it.

Charm her with your smile and you’ll receive a smile as well.

That’s a perfectly good time to open a conversation since you’re both feeling happier.

You can then tell her a story, preferably a funny one.

The story doesn’t have to be anything complicated. It doesn’t have to be long, either.

A simple story about yourself or something you’ve heard that you know will make women laugh will do.

Perhaps you saw someone totally fail as a human being and made your day. Or you can just scroll through the web and find something that makes you laugh.

Tell her that funny story.

After you’ve both had your laugh with your funny story, take a moment to study her.

Did you find something you really like about her?

You don’t have to focus on her good looks. Her quick wit and bright smile will do just as well or even better.

What you’re looking for is something that deserves a sincere compliment to make her smile.

Once you find it, compliment her in a way that will make her blush.

You do that by making her feel good about herself with a compliment that is genuine.

Since everyone likes to hear nice things about themselves, a compliment that you really mean will sure to make her smile and give her butterflies in her stomach.

Be sure you’re not intimidated by her though because…

This is where it gets fun!

If you’re not afraid to poke fun at her, you shouldn’t, you can follow it up with a tease.

As you know, light and playful teasing is a great way to make any girl smile… and it shows that you are confident enough to talk to women comfortably.

Playful Teasing and Banter

One good banter technique used by every guy who knows what he’s doing is to give her this imaginary scenario where you create a world for the both of you to play in.

The key is to give yourself and her fun roles to play.

You can pretend you’re husband and wife, a rock star and his groupie, or simply accuse her of stalking you.

Just come up with something fun and interesting for her to do and let her indulge in the role-play.

Since women tend to be imaginative, this will keep her engaged and be smiling at the same time.

Furthermore, the shared experience will make her feel closer to you, therefore more attracted.

Make Her Smile with Nicknames

Then come up and give her a fun nickname or a pet name — something that reflects her personality.

Do make sure it’s something a girl actually want to be (or doesn’t mind being) called.

The thing you want to remember with nicknames is to keep them positive, fun and playful.

If a nickname made you smile, there is a chance she’ll smile, too.

So just have fun with it. And even if you can’t think of any, you can always ask her and see what she comes up with.

Be sure to do this when you’re still with her since you’re gonna be using it later to start a fun, flirty text conversation that will sure to make any girl smile.

So have a nickname ready if you want to make girls smile over text because it will make your text messages more fun and personal.

Texts Messages to Make Girls Smile

Now, before you start thinking of things to text that makes a girl smile, you have a few things to consider.

You see, there are a lot of things competing for her attention: there are other guys texting her, Facebook, school, work, and other life stuff.

With that being said, you have to know how to catch her attention and get her to respond almost immediately.

That’s where a funny nickname or any inside joke comes in extra handy to begin any message to make her smile over text.

Making a girl smile through text in the morning or at night before she goes to bed is a nice way make her think of you even when you’re not around.

Because, as you probably know, the more she thinks of you, the more eager she will be to meet you.

And if you want her to think of you, you can let her know that you’re thinking about her in a positive way.

Like most people, she probably loves hearing about herself and if she knows you’re thinking about her, it’s going to make her smile and make her feel good about herself.

A simple way to do this is to text her something that lets her know she’s on your mind and someone or something in your day reminded you of her.

Not only will a random “..made me think of you” text put a smile on her face, it will also build more attraction.

Don’t forget, you can also use many of the things previously mentioned like teasing, bantering, continuing your role play, telling funny and interesting stories, and yes… flirting.

Of course, if you want a quick and easy option to get a girl to smile, send her some…

Flirty Text Messages

Here are some flirty text messages floating around the interwebs you can send to her to put a smile on her face:

  • You looked so beautiful the last time I saw you, that I forgot my pickup line.
  • I wish I was your mirror so that I could look at you every morning.
  • You’re already on my mind, and I’ve only just woken up.
  • Would you mind emptying your pockets – I believe you’ve stolen my heart.
  • You’re so hot, I get a tan every time I look at you.
  • I’m trying my best to fall asleep, but I just can’t stop thinking about you.
  • Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?
  • The best thing about a keyboard is that U and I are together.
  • Do your feet hurt? Because you’ve been wandering around my thoughts all day.
  • You looked great today. I know I didn’t see you, but I know you look great every day.
  • Send me a picture so I can send Santa my wish list.
  • On a beautiful day like this, the only thing that could improve it is having you by my side.
  • In my opinion, God’s only mistake when he made the world was that he didn’t keep you to himself.
  • Every time you enter the room, you enter my heart.
  • I’ve just bought some chocolate spread… Any ideas what we should do with it?
  • Tired out. Been running around like a nutcase at work today. I’m too much of a perfectionist. I’m a perfectionist in most things I do. That’s why I like you so much.
  • If kisses were raindrops, I’d send you a flood.
  • Do you know any good cardiologists, because my heart skips a beat every time I think of you?
  • I wish I was your teddy bear.
  • I don’t think about very many things, and I don’t think for very long, but when I do think, it invariably tends to be about you.
  • Of all the stars in the sky, there are none as beautiful as you.
  • I can’t raise the courage to tell you how much I adore you, so I guess I’ll just keep it to myself.
  • Can you send me a picture? My friends don’t believe that angels exist.

Important: Not all girl will respond the same to these flirty messages, so consider who you’re sending it to.

Fortunately, you can make her smile with memes.

They don’t even have to be relevant to anything. Just send her a funny meme anytime to brighten up her day.

You can also get creative with your emojis.

It’s a hilarious and fun way to make her smile over text.

You can send those cute things to make a girl smile in the morning or whenever.

Speaking of which, be sure to always add emojis or emoticons to dramatically improve the tone of your text messages.

Simply adding a smiley face, winking face, or whatever face will show her that you are being playful and having fun which is your gateway to making a girl smile with text messages.

Because without one, your messages can come across differently from what you intended. Believe me, you don’t want to come across as serious when you’re teasing her.


If you can keep making a girl smile, either when you meet her or through your text messages, sooner or later, the girl you’ll want to smile will be called your girlfriend.

Don’t worry, you don’t have to change your ways.

In fact, since you know her quite a bit now, you should know exactly what will make her smile or laugh (or punch you in the face) when you surprise her with it.

Aside from that, the one thing that will really make your girlfriend smile is when you do something that…

Makes Her Feel Special!

Everyone likes to know that they are loved and appreciated.

So let your girlfriend know.

Tell her she is beautiful, instead of pretty, especially when she least expects it.

Make her smile in the morning. It could be a simple text or voice message you send while she’s sleeping so she wakes up with a smile on her face.

Send her a random text message saying you’re thinking about her.

As you know, just letting a girl know you miss her and thinking about her when she’s not around will be enough to make her smile.

Randomly call just to say ‘hi’.

Of course, call her when you say you will, even when you can only talk for a minute. it shows you care.

Sneak up and hug her from behind. Hold her hand, look her in the eyes and smile. (Or you can pick her up.)

Make her something. Anything.

It’s the thought and surprise that counts.

Plan a date where all she has to do is look good and show up. Or you can take her somewhere new and surprising.

A thoughtful gift would be nice, too. Something to let her know you’ve been thinking about her and you know the things she likes.

You see, the small things usually mean the most. Show her you care. Tell her that you care. And you’ll get a smile out of her.

So keep her warm when she’s cold. or do something unexpected that will make her really happy.

I’m not sure if you can make a girl do almost anything if you can make her laugh but, those little things you do that show you appreciate her will sure to make her smile.

What you’ve read here are just some of the many ways you can make girls smile.

And as you know by now, knowing how to make a girl smile is an essential skill in creating attraction with women.

Whether you’re teasing her, cracking a funny joke, risking being silly and not taking yourself seriously when appropriate, surprising her with an obnoxiously large teddy bear, making her blush with your compliment, coming up with a cute pet name, sending her flirty text messages, showing and telling her that she’s special, letting her know you’re thinking about her, taking her on an unexpected date, being fun and playful or just charming her with your smile…

No matter how you get a girl to smile, you make her feel good and she associates those good feelings with you.

Since those good feelings can be addicting, she’ll be wanting more of you.

So be sure to always make her smile (not just after a fight or when she’s angry or sad).



P.S. If you find it difficult to make others laugh, check this out so you’ll know the right kind of humor that attracts women.

Furthermore, this one can help you craft attractive lines you can use to banter with beautiful girls.

P.P.S. If this post has given you ideas on how to make her smile, be sure to share it with some of your friends. Oh, and subscribe to my newsletter while you’re still here.

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