How to Get The Girl And Avoid The “Friend Zone”

There is a line you have to cross if you want to successfully attract a woman.

If you wantt o date a girl, couple
If you don’t want to inadvertently enter the friend zone

How many of your interactions with women are like this:

You meet a woman for the first time and have a conversation.

You talk with her for a while about different kinds of stuff from TV, friends, the holiday she is going on to her favorite cocktail.

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How to Avoid Boring a Girl Out of Her Skull

beautiful girl bored
Do you know what happens when a girl gets bored?

“Life is too short to be a boring company.” -Andrew Mason

You can’t make a girl feel attracted to you and bored out of her skull at the same time.

Especially if she’s attractive.

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How To Handle An Awkward Silence In A Conversation

You’re on a date with a girl. Suddenly, out of nowhere, there’s an awkward silence hanging in the air.

What awkward silence almost feels like… facing the void.

Silence is golden!

Why is it then that silence can become “awkward” when it is often wise to say nothing?

And why do you feel that need to say something?

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7 Sure Ways To Gain Her Complete Trust

Trust is not easy to win when you don’t do the things below from the get go.

how to make a girl trust you
You know she trusts you, if you can lead her along to take long walks on the beach with you!

How do you make a girl trust you?

As you know, for a girl to date you, she needs to trust you.

For a woman to have sex with you, she needs to trust you as well.

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