15+ Most Popular Attract Women Books On Amazon

attract women books
There are many books about attracting women, yet few are worth knowing.

Here’s a list of the most popular attract women books you can find on Amazon.

You’ll notice there’s not a lot of them listed here. Why? Well, that’s because I handpicked only the best books on female attraction that are worth reading based on my own reading as well as the number of positive customer reviews it currently enjoys on Amazon.

So here’s…

The Attract Women Books List

The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists

The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists

This is not fiction. I read this a few years back and got me interested in several others like The Mystery Method: How to Get Beautiful Women Into Bed and other books about seduction and dating. The author, Neil Strauss or Style in the book, has also written several books following this one including Rules of the Game and The Pickup Artist: The New and Improved Art of Seduction.

The Manual: What Women Want and How to Give It to Them

The Manual: What Women Want and How to Give It to Them

This book has a pretty good description on its page. It goes on saying something like, your lack of success with women is because you don’t understand or have the wrong idea of what women are attracted. It goes on to say that it will unlock your true potential and bring out the real you and not become someone else. Which is a good thing right?

The Natural: How to Effortlessly Attract the Women You Want

The Natural: How to Effortlessly Attract the Women You Want

Richard La Ruina gives you tested methods and tools to make you more confident and more attractive to women. You’ll feel more comfortable being yourself without using tricks or gimmicks. It’s like learning a skill, with enough practice it becomes effortless. Learn step-by-step from eye contact to starting conversations.

Bang: More Lays In 60 Days

Bang: More Lays In 60 Days

Here’s what it says: “Bang is a pickup textbook intended for men who weren’t born with the natural ability to sleep with a lot of women. It contains simple but powerful techniques, moves, and lines that offer a direct line to casual sex.” What? Check out his other book titles: Day Bang: How To Casually Pick Up Girls During The Day and 30 Bangs: The Shaping Of One Man’s Game From Patient Mouse To Rabid Wolf

Models: Attract Women Through Honesty

Models: Attract Women Through Honesty

This book is about seduction as an emotional process and connecting with women. A mature and honest guide without faking behaviour and emulating others. It lists other stuff you’ll learn like the behaviour that causes attraction, overcoming anxiety around attractive women, keeping conversations with women interesting and engaging, and developing a genuine sense of humor.

book cover for No more Mr. Nice Guy!: A proven plan for getting what you want in love, sex and life

No more Mr. Nice Guy!: A proven plan for getting what you want in love, sex and life

If you’re a “nice guy,” this book will help you start getting what you want in life. And gives you the information and tools to help ensure that your needs are met, express your emotions, have a satisfying sex life, embrace your masculinity and form meaningful relationships with other men, and live up to your creative potential. You need to check this out if you’re trying too hard to please others while neglecting your own needs, thus causing unhappiness and resentfulness. Please read my complete review here.

How to Become an Alpha Male: Attract Women and Become Successful at Seduction

How to Become an Alpha Male: Attract Women and Become Successful at Seduction

Deals more on inner game, mindset, body language, and overall confidence. There are a lot of ‘secrets’ that you’ll discover listed like: the 7 step seduction system, 8 silent clues that tell when to make your move, psychological techniques, first date secrets, simple secrets to changing your appearance, changes you can make to your body language, and more…

Magic Bullets: 2nd Edition

Magic Bullets: 2nd Edition

A definitive guide on pickup and dating theory? That’s for you to find out. It covers from meeting and initial conversation all the way to the relationship stage. You’ll learn the qualities women look for in men, opening and transitioning, telling stories, and getting women on the phone. And if you want practice materials, there’s Routines Manual Volume 1 and Volume 2 from the same authors.

Secrets of the A Game: How to Meet and Attract Women Anywhere, Anyplace, Anytime

Secrets of the A Game: How to Meet and Attract Women Anywhere, Anyplace, Anytime

The descriptions says “You’ll learn that every shy, self-conscious, or heartbroken guy can meet and attract beautiful women, no matter what you look like or how much money you make, provides you with all of the tools you need to make it happen, learn the secrets of sexual persuasion so you can approach anyone, build rapport and create instant attraction.” There’s also another book from the author  called The Art of the Approach: The A Game Guide to Meeting Beautiful Women

The Layguide: How to Seduce Women More Beautiful Than You Ever Dreamed Possible No Matter What You Look Like or How Much You Make

The Layguide: How to Seduce Women More Beautiful Than You Ever Dreamed Possible No Matter What You Look Like or How Much You Make

An entertaining book on attracting women. This one has a really long title or subtitle which makes it easy to get what’s it all about. Do you want to be with different beautiful women every night of the week? No experience required.

Tricks to Pick Up Chicks: Magic Tricks, Lines, Bets, Scams and Psychology

Tricks to Pick Up Chicks: Magic Tricks, Lines, Bets, Scams and Psychology

A useful book for ‘breaking the ice’ using magic tricks, lines, bets to get the attention of any girl. You can also use the tricks you’ll get to impress and stand out from the rest. There’s also a chapter on reading body language, expressions, and gestures.

How to Date Young Women: For Men over 35

How to Date Young Women: For Men over 35

If you’re an older guy and you want to date younger twentyish women, you have to know how to maneuver the often complex, delicate courtship practices of a younger woman interested in dating an older man. Who better to get advice from than someone who’s dated young women for 25 years.

Mate: Become the Man Women Want

Mate: Become the Man Women Want

An evidence-driven straightforward book about the most ethical (and effective) way to get the relationships you want with the women who are best for you. This book will teach you to become a more sexually attractive and romantically successful man, the right way: become the best version of yourself possible, then show it off.

The Anti Pick Up Line: Real Habits To Naturally Attract Stunning Women

The Anti Pick Up Line: Real Habits To Naturally Attract Stunning Women

A book on attracting women ethically and naturally, without tricks, lies, or manipulation. Whether you want a girlfriend or date around for a while, you’ll have the tools and mindsets that have worked for thousands of men. Never hesitate or feel like you’ve run out of things to say. This book is aimed towards young men and focuses on seducing women at clubs and bars.

How to Be a 3% Man, Winning the Heart of the Woman of Your Dreams book cover

How to Be a 3% Man, Winning the Heart of the Woman of Your Dreams

Understand the psychology of how a woman thinks, what she emotionally responds to, and what women really want in a man, so you can get good enough to meet and date women who are “out of your league.” You’ll also learn how to create sexual attraction and get women to pursue you. Then you’ll know you how to transition into dating, getting her to ask you to be her boyfriend, and how to maintain a long term healthy and drama-free relationship free from nagging and arguments. The best part: you can do this while remaining who you truly are inside.

The Rational Male book cover

The Rational Male

This one is a collection of essays that covers several vast and controversial topics from the concepts of positive masculinity, the feminine imperative, plate theory, operative social conventions and the core psychological theory behind Game awareness and “red pill” ideology. This is a thought provoking book and you’ll have to keep in mind that once you read this, you won’t be able to go back to seeing the world as you once did before.

If you find that you like this, then read Preventive Medicine and Positive Masculinity as supplemental reading in the The Rational Male series.

There you go.

Want more books to help you get women?

There are still more books about attracting and seducing women. And if you want more books on how to get girls to satisfy your need to read, you can also try the following:

And that’s just from Amazon’s massive collection of books on attracting females. Additionally, you can view Amazon’s complete list best sellers on dating and relationship books here.

Now, how about you?

Is there a book on attracting women you’d like to suggest? What’s your favorite book on how to seduce a woman? I’d like to hear from you.


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If you want some books not found on Amazon, including full attract women programs and courses with audios and videos… click here.

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