What is Keeping You Single

What are the mistakes that could be keeping you single?

What’s holding you back from having a great relationship with a girl?

Do you keep wondering why you’re spending Christmas, New Year, Valentine’s, and your birthday single?

You’re still single, but you can’t put your finger on why. 

Here are some of the things that keep you single, knowingly, or unknowingly.

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How to Attract Women With Consistency

how to attract women with consistency
Nice view! It makes you feel good to look at it, right?

Most people don’t have control of their own mental and emotional state.

Instead, they let what’s around them to affect and control their own emotions.

When the weather is clear and sunny, they’re out and about jumping like wild rabbits, but when the whole sky is dark and cloudy. they’re so gloomy it’s like the whole sky’s about to drop down and crash into them.

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