How to Get to Know Her Better Over Text

know her better over text - girl using smart phone
Want to get to know her better?

If you want to get to know a girl better through text… I have some insights below that may help you.

Here’s the one thing I want you to keep in mind: The key to getting to know a girl over text is asking better questions and paying attention to her answers. Why? That’s because…

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67 Questions to Ask a Girl Over Text

questions to ask a girl over text - question marks
What are your favorite questions to ask a girl?

Here are some questions to start a conversation, flirt, or get to know a woman better — in a fun and lighthearted way.

After you ask her these questions, ask her follow-up questions. Try to keep your questions open-ended. So you can keep the conversation more engaging and going longer.

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8 Mistakes to Avoid When Complimenting a Girl Over Text

compliment her over text
Compliment not just her beauty

When you want to compliment a girl over text, the last thing you want to do is come across as “creepy.”

Instead of making her feel special and appreciated, you make her feel uncomfortable and uneasy.

Instead of making her like you, you unintentionally insult her.

Instead of making her day, you cause its ruin.

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How to Respond When a Girl Texts ‘Hi’

when a girl texts hi - chat bubble
She says hi!

‘Hi’, as you know, is not the most exciting way to start a conversation with a woman over text. 

Usually, it doesn’t trigger anything more exciting than another… ‘Hey.’

It is so common and overused, that people use it without giving it much thought.

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How To Start Texting Shy Girls

start texting shy girls
She’s a little shy but texting a shy girl might actually be easier than talking to her.

These days it has never been easier to get in touch with the girl you like. 

If you want to get in touch with her over long distances, you’d normally use your phone and text her either when you want to get to know her or when you want to ask her out.

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