How To Initiate Sex Without Getting Rejected

couple sitting
Do you know how to initiate sexual intimacy with her?

As you may have heard, most women want sex as much as you do.

It’s true.

You might be thinking about sex a lot more often than women, but they can have multiple orgasms, which implies they are having a better time in bed.

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How to Kiss a Girl Well: Kissing Tips for a First Timer

How do you kiss a girl properly–especially if it’s your first time?


Did you know that the most sensitive part of the human body is not the genitalia?

It’s true. Lips are the most sensitive.

According to scientists, a woman’s lips are a hundred times more sensitive than her fingertips. That’s why some women can reach orgasm from kissing.

But you have to be a really good kisser to do this.

Before you can get to that level, you have to know how to kiss a girl properly. It all starts with this:

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How to Make a Woman Horny

make her horny
Want to get her horny?

If you wanna make a woman horny, you gotta know what turns her on.

Understand her mind, so you can unlock the keys to her body. Though your favorite porn movie won’t do the trick for her like it does for you, she should also have something that puts her in the mood.

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How To Get A One-Night Stand

woman lying
If you’re looking for casual sex…

Men love sex. And women do, too.

But guys like it better when there’s no string attached and it happens just hours after meeting the girl. In some cultures, getting a one night stand is easier where women are more open to sex compared to others where women are more reserved.

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