When You Get Mixed Signals From A Girl

mixed signals from a girl: picture of a woman sitting
Do you know why she’s sending you mixed signals?

Want to know why you’re getting mixed signals from a girl? There are a couple of possible reasons you’ll find out shortly.

As you know, dealing with mixed signals from women can be a challenge.

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Why Do Beautiful Women Like To Play Head Games

Head games, mind games, why do some women tend to play these games?

You had a date with her but, when you called her the next day… nothing. Days later, you saw her and tells you how much she missed you. Yet when you tried to get in touch with her again, she never responds.

Why do women like to play head games?

If she likes you, why make it hard for you, right?

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What Turns Women Off The Most About Men

You can avoid turning her off

Some guys have the uncanny ability to turn women off.

And what’s worse, they can’t seem to understand why some (or all) women won’t give them the time of day to talk to them.

While that may be common to some guys, some just end up doing something utterly-foolish that turns the woman completely off and ice-cold.

You see, even when you get the chance to attract her, you still need to watch yourself and be aware of what you are doing as you attract women.

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How to Handle a Woman’s Tests

can you pass her tests?
There are several ways to pass her “tests”

Women will throw shit tests at you.

She will test you if you are or how sure you are of yourself. She will put on the pressure to see if you will crack. To see if you’re really strong or just trying to look strong.

To see if your actions match your words.

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