What Turns Women Off The Most About Men

You can avoid turning her off

Some guys have the uncanny ability to turn women off.

And what’s worse, they can’t seem to understand why some (or all) women won’t give them the time of day to talk to them.

While that may be common to some guys, some just end up doing something utterly-foolish that turns the woman completely off and ice-cold.

You see, even when you get the chance to attract her, you still need to watch yourself and be aware of what you are doing as you attract women.

Attraction killers

Or, even when you’re already in a relationship, don’t change what you did when you attracted her in the first place or you’ll end up with a ice-cold woman you won’t ever have the chance of warming up again as long as you stay a turn off for her.

So don’t turn her off by doing some of the most obvious attraction killers known to man.


One of that is being too needy or clingy.

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That’s wanting to be with her every minute of the day like a kid who never want to be separated from his mom. That’s just unattractive and sometimes creepy. A total turn off to all women.

Don’t be desperate for her attention, instead act like a man with lots of options. Be more of a challenge and have something going on with your life. Because if you lose that drive to live a life with passion, you’ll lose her attraction. Guaranteed.

Too unavailable

Still, you have to balance things out. You can’t be too busy that you won’t have time for her. And you can’t be doing nothing that all you do is be with her and act all wimpy all the time.

And when you do have the time to talk to women, show some interest in her like she’s the most fascinating person in the world. It’s flattering and attractive when you give her that kind of focused attention.

Also if you are not willing to connect with her, it can make it difficult to build deep and meaningful connections with women.

Show some vulnerability and she’ll enjoy the conversation more and the connection built with you will be just as strong.

Showing disrespect

The opposite of that is just disrespectful and turns women off. Don’t let your eyes wander aimlessly or look at other women.

Additionally, disregarding boundaries and not valuing her opinions or perspectives, can quickly turn a woman off.

Lack of self-care

And if you’re wondering why can’t get close to women to talk to them, take a look in the mirror and see for yourself. When you neglect your appearance and go monkey, you’ll instantly turn women off.

It’s not hard to be handsome. All you need is just a proven routine that works for you to keep your appearance and health brimming and shining with confidence.

No drive

A lack of drive or ambition can be unappealing to some women.

It is important for some women for a man to have some sort of ambition and drive. Therefore, you need to have goals, aspirations, and a sense of purpose.

Though there are a lot more that turns women off, these are just some of the things to keep in mind if you want to become a badass with attracting women so you don’t have to go scratching your head when she turns away and leave.

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