How to Make a Girl Smile: 7 Things To Make Her Smile

how to make a girl smile - girl smiling ear-to-ear
“Nothing you wear is more important than your smile.”

If you want to make a girl smile, you’ll find it easy after reading this page…

… because you’ll get several ways to make her smile, whether it’s a new girl or the woman you’re in a relationship with.

As you probably know, being able to make girls smile is essential if you want to attract women.

Because when you make a girl smile, you generate good feelings. and she’ll associates those good feelings with you.

Do you know what that means?

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How to Avoid Boring a Girl Out of Her Skull

beautiful girl bored
Do you know what happens when a girl gets bored?

“Life is too short to be a boring company.” -Andrew Mason

You can’t make a girl feel attracted to you and bored out of her skull at the same time.

Especially if she’s attractive.


Because, as you probably know, attractive girls get hit on all the time.

That’d be like trying to go forward while you’re on the reverse.

You simply can’t get a woman interested and attracted when you’re too dull.

In fact, being boring is one of the biggest turn-offs to many women of all kinds of ages, professions, and walks of life, if not the biggest one.

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How To Use Cocky Comedy To Attract Women

attract women with cocky comedy - laughter plus confidence
Now that she’s laughing…

Women love men who can make them laugh.

Cocky comedy is one of the basic principles taught in Double Your Dating by David D. If you haven’t read it yet, I suggest you pick it up somewhere and give it a look.

Cocky comedy works simply because it takes advantage of how attraction is rooted on emotions women feel at certain moments. And if you’re the one who makes her “feel” those emotions, the attraction she felt will be directed to you.

You gotta remember, attraction is not logical and, it’s not a choice.

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How To Use Humor To Attract Women

You’ve probably heard of it before, humor has the power to attract women.

It’s true.

Having a healthy sense of humor will make women like you.

Because using humor shows your fun side, your witty side, your attractive personality and confidence women can’t help but be drawn to.

So you should use humor, whenever you can, to attract beautiful, sexy women who crave for a good laugh and a fun company.

If you want to magically attract women, using humor to make her laugh can cause her to feel that emotion of attraction for you.

If you think you don’t have a sexy sense of humor, you can acquire it through practice and learning.

There are skills you need to develop (especially your creativity) if you want to be able to make a girl laugh.

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How to Develop a Sense of Humor That Attracts Women

You make her smile with your humor

“I have no sense of humor!”

Well, that’s a shame.

Your sense of humor (if you have one) can be your most valuable asset when you’re talking to a girl and you’re trying to attract her.

You see, most women rate a guy with a good sense of humor very highly. It’s one of the qualities women look for in a man.

So it’s to your advantage that you develop your sense of humor to a level that attracts women effortlessly.

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