7 Big Common First Date Mistakes Men Should Avoid

Don’t wreck a perfectly good date

Many men unknowingly make some pretty common mistakes on their first date.

If you didn’t know, the purpose of the first date is to pave the way for the second date. But if you make too many annoying or embarrassing mistakes on the first date… that make your date doesn’t want to see your face again, your chances of seeing her on a second date won’t be happening anytime soon — or ever.

And it doesn’t take much to wreck a perfectly good first date.

So if you don’t want a mistake to cost you a second date, you need to be aware of several big first date mistakes to avoid.

What are these mistakes you need to avoid so your first dates don’t end up your last?

Below are some of the deal breakers you’ll need to avoid:

Asking her too many questions

If you haven’t learned it by now, interviewing your date is boring.

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It puts most women to sleep.

There are other interesting ways to get to know her instead of asking a series of interview questions that don’t seem to end.

Nevertheless, don’t be shy to ask her first date questions to show you’re interested in her and to make sure the conversation flows back and forth.

That also means not talking too much about yourself and asking open-ended questions. Show interest in learning more about her without grilling her.

[Read: Questions To Ask Women On The First Date]

If you’re not sure what to ask, think of topics ahead of time and be sure to avoid…

Talking about taboo topics

On the first date, there are some things better left alone if you don’t want your date to feel uncomfortable.

If the date is getting too serious or uncomfortable, it’s already gone wrong.

Unless there’s an interesting story behind what you’re about to reveal, no one wants to hear your rare medical condition on the first date. Your date doesn’t want to hear you ramble about yourself on the first date.

Additionally, unless she asks you about your ex, avoid talking about your past relationships; or once you’ve said enough, shift the topic subtly to something else.

That something else is not your list of deal-breaker qualities your ideal partner must have.

As a general rule, use caution when discussing something that makes you angry or something you’re strongly passionate about as it can easily overwhelm her. Those are the conversations you don’t want to start.

Choose your topics to discuss wisely and keep the conversation flowing naturally.

Trying to impress your date

It may seem natural to impress a girl (either with your cash or your personality) on the first date, but it will only make you look like you’re trying too hard.

If it’s not you, then don’t be that kind of guy.

Remember that bragging is a turn-off. So avoid saying something unnecessary — about your income, possession, or skills — that might make her resent you.

Focus on making the experience memorable instead of trying to impress her.

This doesn’t mean arriving late or drinking too much is not a mistake. You should aim to make a good impression and not make a fool of yourself.

Going to the movies

… Or taking her to dinner in a nice, fancy restaurant.

There’s nothing wrong with doing this on the next dates to come, but it’s too common for a first date.

All guys have done it before, from your brother to your grandpa.

At least be different, so she’ll remember the date with you.

You’d never want to be the same as the guys who have done this with her before.

[Read: First Date Ideas]

Forgetting to plan and prepare

If you’re going on a date, at least plan where you’re going and what you’re going to do.

Don’t make it too obvious that you planned everything and make it seem a little spontaneous and natural.

With everything planned, you’ll know where you’ll end up at the end of the date.

And if you’re going to be late, let her know and apologize so she doesn’t get annoyed even before the date.

Getting distracted by other things

It’s rude to take a girl on a date and then hit on other girls you see.

Or constantly checking your phone as if you’re bored or distracted. This seems to be one of those things people on a date truly hate.

If you are serious about getting to know her, focus your attention on her and listen to what she’s saying. Give her your full attention. Or give your date a heads up if you’re waiting for something important.

Showing you’re sincere and genuine will make her trust you and make her feel more comfortable. And she’ll enjoy the date even more.

Asking for another date

Don’t ask her about when is your next meeting’s going to be. Enjoy the first date first and make it great. That way you don’t have to ask and she’ll probably suggest or hint at the possibility of meeting again.

Talking about the future too soon makes you sound needy and desperate. Always know what a first date is for. Stay in the present.

In closing

These are only some of the common first-date mistakes you need to avoid. Think back on your dates and what you could’ve done to make things better.

First dates don’t have to be awkward. If you want her to see you again for date number two, spark her curiosity and generate good vibes by coming across as interesting.

The important point to remember is to have fun and enjoy the date with her, so by the end of it you’ll not only get a shot at a second date, you might even get a chance to get invited in for some coffee.

Or if you’ve prepared well enough, you’ll be going up to introduce her to your cat before the end of the date.

If you’re interested in knowing how you can do that, click here.

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