How to Overcome Your Fear of Meeting Women

Do you feel petrified at the thought of meeting a beautiful woman?

That’s okay!

It’s natural to feel fear when doing something you’re not familiar with.

That includes the fear of meeting women, if you’re not comfortable to it yet…

It’s natural to feel fear

… If you, like most guys, haven’t put in enough time and effort into approaching and talking to women before in your life.

And believe it or not, even if you’ve done approaches thousands of times before, that certain feeling of fear will come back (although not as strong) when you stop for a period and hole up in your cave.

And you must overcome it once more.

How do you overcome that fear?

Now, if you want to start overcoming any fear you have of interacting with women, there’s a simple exercise you can do.

Here it is:

You begin by digging out what’s holding you back.

A piece of paper and a pen would be useful right now.

Once you have it, start identifying and listing down the emotions you feel the moment you want to approach and talk to a girl.

What beliefs are making you feel that way?

If you can identify the underlying cause of your fear, you can start and do something about it.

If you don’t yet understand it, your fear of meeting women often comes from doubting yourself and not having enough confidence.

This will cause you to over think things and rationalize your current situation.

Start building your confidence

So one of the best approach to overcoming your fear of approaching women is believing in yourself and building your confidence.

Start by listing the things that makes you feel good about yourself.

Include your strengths, achievements, and experiences.

Think back to the things you have done that you’re proud of. And remember these things when negative self-talk begins to bring you down.

This simple thought process will effectively help you focus on the good things in life so you can start believing in yourself more.

If you want to go a step further, identify the people that brings you down and avoid them if you can.

You don’t have to listen to their crap.

Got some practice

Next, level up your skill of conversing with different people from all walks of life.

This will take some practice so start as soon as you can. Find a friend, then another, and start growing your audience to larger groups.

Try as long as you can to hold their attention for periods of time.

The skill and techniques you learn from this will be invaluable throughout your life, not just with meeting and attracting women.

Some key conversion skills and techniques can be found here: Conversation Escalation

Overcoming your fear of meeting women and gaining confidence will happen gradually as you move forward and consistently meet more women.

How fast it goes depends on you.

If you have a lot of time in your hands right now and you want to overcome your fear of meeting women right away, you can spend a lot of your time approaching and meeting women to gain more experience and confidence.

Related: The Collection of Confidence

Once you’ve done an insane amount of approaches, your initial fear of starting a conversation with girls will be easily manageable.

And sometimes, things will just flow naturally like it’s supposed to.


The get her infatuated series

If you would like to get more success with women, go out on more dates, and get more women back to your bedroom… you need to click the button below and discover…

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  • The main reasons girls lose interest (even when they seemed to really like you)
  • The “boyfriend behaviors” that make you look needy
  • One simple move that will boost the attraction level of any girl that takes almost no skill to pull off and taps into more psychology than almost anything else you can do
  • How to get a female friend to desire you sexually and have her fantasizing about you
  • One of the critical elements to seducing that one girl you really want that can cause a lot of mischief
  • What makes a girl fall in love? (Hint: it has nothing to do with what you say)
  • How to get a girl infatuated with you (and make her want to see you so bad it hurts)
  • An essential ingredient to make any woman fall in love with you (that can make her constantly overlook all the negative things you do)
  • One of the biggest reasons nice guys can’t keep the women they really like
  • Why some girls love to play games (and how you can ignite her desire to chase you… and keep chasing you)
  • And more!

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