How to Overcome Your Fear of Rejection

blonde woman
You can overcome your fears of rejection

Getting rejected by a girl you like sucks!

Even though it hasn’t even happened (or if it will happen at all).

But that doesn’t seem to matter.

Just the mere thought of talking to her can paralyze you on the spot.

So how do you get over your fear of rejection?

As you probably know, it’s natural to feel a fear if you think you’ll be getting rejected, that you’ll experience some kind of heartache you wouldn’t be able to handle.

But you need to overcome this fear of rejection if you want to be able to approach and attract women.

When you think about it, this fear of rejection you’re feeling is only in your mind.

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It hasn’t actually happened.

And you’ll never know — whether she’ll reject your approach or be ecstatic that you did — if you don’t overcome this fear of rejection.

Of course…

Rejection is part of the “game.”

It wouldn’t be fun if everything goes well every time you try to open a girl and start a conversation.

But sometimes, it does goes well.

That’s because most women are social and they like being approached by great guys who know what they’re doing.

That’s right!

If you’re a great guy and you know what you’re doing when you meet and attract girls, you’ll minimize your chances of getting rejected.

You can get the girl, instead.

But this is not about that, this is about overcoming your fear of rejection. And there’s a couple of things you can do.

Move forward

The first is to move forward in spite of that fear you’re currently feeling.

If you are willing to act fast, you can overcome the fear of rejection quickly.

It’s the most effective way and it’s the fastest and surest way to go.

However, if you avoid and keep avoiding what you fear, you’ll be feeding that fear until it becomes a monster.

You’re only making it worse.

Think: If you understand that there’s always a chance of rejection no matter what you do, that rejection won’t matter.

Let the fear be your guide so you can prepare for whatever happens.

Let it serve as fuel for future approaches and a step in your ladder for gaining experience.

Accumulate experience

Don’t shy away from taking risks.

Face your fear of rejection head on, and it’s almost certain nothing can stop you from getting to know that girl.

Another way to overcome this fear is using a punishment and reward.

You can reward yourself every time you overcome this fear and meet the girl; and you can set a penalty if you don’t do it and you succumb to this fear of rejection.

If you’re with someone — a buddy or your wing — you can ask him to slap you hard if you didn’t do anything while you’re feeling this fear.

Overcoming your fear of rejection from approaching and meeting women is essential if you want to be able to attract any woman you want.

It doesn’t matter if you overcome your fear of rejection slowly or quickly. What matters is your overcome it and you continue to grow.

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