3 Ways To Be More Interesting Over Text With A Girl

How you hold her attention comes down to how you interact with her and how you make texting more interesting.

Are you a dry and boring texter? 

Do you find it hard to hold an interesting conversation over text going?

Do the girls you text always seem to disappear after a couple of text exchanges?

Do you want to impress a girl, attract her attention, and be the kind of guy she can’t help but be drawn to?

Then, you really need to know how to be more interesting over text.

There are quite a few things you can do to make a conversation more interesting or have a girl find you fascinating over text so you can get her interested in you.

One of the simplest things you can do to seem more captivating to any girl over text is to:

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Refuse to have dry conversations

If you want a girl to find you interesting to talk to, avoid having dry as dust exchanges that can kill almost all curiosity a girl may have for you.


That depends on who you talk to and where the girl’s like, interests, and hobbies lie. So, start with…

Asking unique questions

Powerful questions that challenge her and make her think are your ally in making your conversation with her more engaging. 

Not only does asking unique questions allow you to learn something new–whether about her or something else–it also shows you are interested in what she has to offer.

However, don’t bother asking the same tired old queries every other guy has already raised. Doing so won’t make you stand out like a pink hippo grazing with cows. But instead, it will only serve to make you blend in with the rest of the dull guys lounging in the background. Bored out of their wits.

Powerful questions make her elaborate more and get her to express her feelings about something.

That means you need to ask her open-ended questions so she can choose the direction to take. You need to be curious and non-judgmental and ask her questions that encourage discovery and deeper understanding.

There are, of course, questions almost any girl loves to answer.

They can help you break the ice and get to know her better. 

Here are a few examples:

  • If you could live anywhere, where would it be?
  • What would you change about yourself if you could?
  • Where do you see yourself in five years?

Unique questions are like keys that open new doors. So be prepared to have some interesting conversations with her.

She’ll remember that moment–and by extension you. Why? Because the distinct way you get to know someone makes you not only interesting but also unforgettable.

I suggest you reserve most of your powerful questions to ask her in person, though. 

Next, if you want a girl to avoid having dry conversations with you, start…

Filling your brain with curious things



If your brain is filled with uncommon, little-known, unheard-of things, it will come out of your text messages to her.

And the more stimulating knowledge you stuff yourself with, the more thought-provoking things you can say.

It’s all about being cultured. 

Since the more cultured you become, the more high quality what you know becomes. As well as being more curious, unprejudiced, and open-minded you become. 

So — begin by being a well-informed guy.

You can start by reading a lot, going to museums, listening to great music, and keeping up with current events, politics, science, sports, culture, and other things you find interesting. 

There’s a whole chapter about this on Models, which I’m sure you will find helpful. 

So make sure you fill your brain with nourishing bits. And you’ll have no problem holding meaningful conversations with any girl. 

Once you can easily share your unique thoughts or opinions about something, being interesting over text or in person will be as natural as breathing air.

Know what else will make it natural for you to captivate any girl you text? 

Telling good stories better

Every girl loves a good story. When you tell good stories, it takes her mind away from the stress of everyday life. 

[Related: Using Storytelling to Attract Women]

Do it right — and you can weave a strong connection with her. Why? Because stories are perfect opportunities to show the real you. So open up and be vulnerable.

You don’t know any stories, you say?

Everyone has a story to tell. You can look to your life for inspiration and mine your personal experiences. There’s always something in your life that you can craft into a narrative. 

Your recent trip to the zoo, your last vacation on a farm, or even your dinner with some friends. Turn them into a story–as long as it is relatable to her. 

And you want to tell your story in a way that she wants to hear. In short, make it about her and her interest. Ask yourself what you want her to take away? What do you want her to feel?

Of course, every happy ending needs a struggle. It wasn’t all easy sailing for a hero like you, right? Your hero’s road should be paved with obstacles. 

But not too many.

You should keep your stories straightforward. Edit out the boring stuff. Don’t get lost in the details, unnecessary backstory, or plot points. You don’t want to make it long. And be sure to break up your messages to keep them simple.

Although stories are hardwired into the human brain, it takes practice to spin your own experiences into one, to move her or provoke a stronger sense of connection.

But do you know what else is great about telling good stories that captivate a girl? 

You can reference it in your future text messages. And she’ll be taken right back to it. So make sure your stories have dramatic tension and suspense or a twist in the end.


Because, as you know, girls love to laugh. And she loves being with people who make her laugh. So incorporating a few funny jokes and sayings in your conversation with her is always a plus.

[Related: How to Make Girls Smile]

Here is another way to keep your conversations fun:

Avoid repeating words, especially one-word replies, because they seldom spark interesting conversations. 

[Related: The Rules of Texting Girls]

Don’t be afraid to mix it up a bit. 

You don’t want to flirt with her all the time; that would be too monotonous. Boring. 

Elaborate on your opinion.

Say what you feel like saying and let the conversation flow naturally.

[Related: Make Small Talk Sexy]

You’ll want to keep the interaction flexible and dynamic–not stiff. Instead of the usual everyday boring conversation, think of something original. Not the same old thing everyone else is saying. Why? 

Because if a conversation is interesting, she’ll associate that with you and thinks you are, after all, interesting. She’ll be happy that, at last, she found someone interesting.

Another effective way to get a girl interested over text is, of course, to have a charming personality so you can…

Avoid inspiring boredom

If you know anyone who lives in dullsville, then you know how they’d likely trigger a yawnfest, then a snore-fest. No girl would bother texting with a droner guy, a dullard.

So you better not be afraid of showing your interestingness out in the open.

Since charm is just a combination of your unique qualities and behavior… 

The more distinctive character you have and the more individual your identity is, the more interesting you become. 

In short, you can be as weird as you want.

Be comfortable in your own skin. So if you’re normally goofy or silly, let it come through your text messages. Don’t edit yourself so you can fit in.

Being worried all the time about saying something that may come across as unusual won’t make you interesting–just average. And you already know where being unremarkable has taken average men. 

So rather than sending a girl messages you think she’ll find safe, you can be a little more controversial.

No matter how strange you think you may be, let her know the real you. If you want to avoid being generic, break out of the box. 

The more special you are, the more unforgettable you become. You’re probably already doing something other people may find odd. You’re just afraid to let them find out. You’re not normal–so stop pretending. Not one in the whole can perfectly fit the word ‘normal’ anyway.

So embrace your weirdness; be ridiculous.

You can also showcase your unique personality with your unique and original texting style. Think about it. Just as no one sounds like you in person, no one else should also text like you. 

[Related: How to Attract Girls With Your Text Messages]

You can easily stand out by how you use emoticons and emojis as well as how you respond to her queries. As I said before, don’t be afraid to mix it up a bit.

And — if you want to make sure she comes back for more… the secret is…

Making her feel understood

If you can make her feel like you simply get her as no other guy can–

guess what?–nothing could make her want to be with you more–even if you’re a bit uninspired most of the time.

This is more than not being a boring texter and goes beyond making things exciting. 

If you can make sure to really listen and read between the lines, make her laugh and feel better about herself, and inspire her and arouse a change in her… now that is interesting.


Now that you know the way of the interesting man and can hold your conversation with a girl for however long you desire… you don’t want to make the mistake of being her text buddy.

No matter how interesting a text friend you become, she’ll lose interest eventually if you don’t move things forward. Why?

Click here to learn more




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