Where To Meet Women – The Best Places to Meet Girls

Women… where are they when you want to meet them?

meet women at bars and clubs

They’re everywhere, of course.

It’s not like they left the planet, right?

But… where can you find single, desirable, and has the potential to be your mate kind of women?

One thing’s for sure, she’s not in the room you’re reading this right now.

That only leaves you with one thing to do:

Leave the house to search, meet, and attract them somewhere else… Why?

Because they sure won’t come running through your door anytime soon without you doing anything.

But where could you start? Let’s see…

Bars, Clubs, and Drinking Places

Most guys think of bars, clubs, and other places you can get drunk where loud music is playing. Why?

Well, there’s a reason for this.

Theses places have more attractive and flirtatious women than any other place. There are a lot of women in these places – young women, party girls, wild girls looking to hook up for the night.

But beware… although they dress in sexy clothes looking to get some attention, they act like they don’t want to talk to men most of the time.

But can you blame them?

They get hit on a lot by drunk and stupid guys and lame guys offering to buy her a drink.

That’s not the only that makes this kind of place… challenging.

There are many distractions which makes it difficult to hold a meaningful conversation. There are other guys, her girlfriends, loud music, and so on…

Also… it’s a fact that the most attractive girls roll with groups.

They’re usually with friends, boyfriends, husbands. Whoever is with them will be protective and will block your efforts to get her.

Even though they come in small groups, their shields are always up and they’re always wary.

You’ll find most are party girls that are hard to get into stable relationship with but, really a great deal of fun.

There are also a lot of competition, other men will be there with the same goal as you.

So… if you’re up for the challenge, find what night is best from the bartender.

You have to differentiate yourself from all the other guys trying to do the same thing.

Have a good time, enjoy yourself, let women notice how social and fun you are.

Talk to every women you see.

Find guys who knows what they’re doing and observe. See how they do it and… learn.

If you’re new to this… there are plenty of guides to help on how to meet women in clubs than in any other place. Apply what you learned from this book.

If you think it’s too hard for you… try the bars in hotels that have vacationers staying.

You’ll find women chilling. Maybe they’re lonely or bored and looking to have a good time.

The atmosphere there is much better for meeting women since it’s more laid back than your typical nightclubs.

There’s always other places you can try like…

Malls, Stores, and Shopping Places

Take advantage of the fact that women love to shop. And in these locations there are only few men for you to compete with.

Any store would be fine like bookstore, grocery store (women stop by to get some food before going home) and anywhere woman’s clothes and accessories are sold.

Garment district is one excellent place to meet women.

If you’re still a student… guess what?

it’s easy to meet women in…

Schools and Learning Places

What’s great about it is… you have a shared lifestyle and the atmosphere is informal. It’s a place full of young and single women.

And you have to whole campus to pick from.

You get to sit next to one in every class. You’ll meet girls in the library, dorm, sports ground, football games, cafeteria, and frat parties.

There are opportunities where she’ll come to you through a number of activities like studies, clubs, student union, and other social gatherings.

Not a student?

Take a night class in a community college. Women who take the same class usually don’t have husbands or other attachments.

Or… enroll in dance classes, acting classes, fitness classes, and other classes you’re interested in.

If you’re already working, that leaves you with the…


You have to be very careful about pursuing women at work due to legal concerns. You don’t want to be charged with… sexual harassment.

You must also consider the consequences of starting an office romance that ends badly.

And… try not to get involved with women who are in a higher position like your boss, and try to avoid women who work with you directly on a day-to-day basis.

If you can remember that…

Some of the areas where you could meet potential targets include the coffee machine or break room.

The water cooler can be the “place” to talk to the occasional girl.

The cafeteria can also be a great place to not only meet women, but have lunch dates with. Invite that girl who works on a different floor to meet you for lunch.

Another way to go is asking a woman who’s getting off of work around the same time as you. Ask her if she wants to grab a drink or a bite to eat.

Or… throw parties and invite people you work with; it’s an excellent way to forget about work and have some fun.

Speaking of…

Parties and Social Gatherings

They’re great if you have a good social contact. Someone who can invite you and introduce you to women they know.

This immediately gives you something in common with the women you’re meeting.

Here’s an interesting fact: most women meet their boyfriends through mutual friends.

And you’re more likely to meet your future girlfriend that way by at least 200%.

What’s more… the girls there are friendly because their friends are there and they know most of the people.

In short, they feel safe.

Just having a relaxed and fun atmosphere where the conversation flows naturally is conducive to meeting women.

Add to that… they’re prepared to meet new people and have a good time.

Even if you don’t end up with a girl, parties present opportunities to meet new people to expand your social circle.

So… get yourself invited to holiday parties like the New Year’s or Halloween where girls dress up and become different characters.

And there’s…

Everywhere Else

You’re not guaranteed to meet the hottest girl every time but don’t discount the streets, the beach, concerts, and other events.

And if you haven’t tried it, meeting and attracting women during daytime is fun.

If you want women who you share a common interest with and who enjoy the same thing… there are events for that where people gather to share their passion.

Here are a couple other ideas to consider: wine tasting, dog parks, volunteering, museums, music festivals, flea markets, marathons…

Actually… if you’re skilled at attracting women, anywhere is fine.

Just vary the places you go to. And always be on the lookout for women wherever people may gather.

Too busy to go anywhere? Well, there’s always the meeting women online.


The get her infatuated series

If you would like to get more success with women, go out on more dates, and get more women back to your bedroom… you need to click the button below and discover…

  • Seduction sins that are secretly killing your chances with girls you really like (This is why girls you fall for never seem to like you back)
  • A simple trick that gets a girl to buy you a drink and boosts her attraction towards you at the same time
  • The main reasons girls lose interest (even when they seemed to really like you)
  • The “boyfriend behaviors” that make you look needy
  • One simple move that will boost the attraction level of any girl that takes almost no skill to pull off and taps into more psychology than almost anything else you can do
  • How to get a female friend to desire you sexually and have her fantasizing about you
  • One of the critical elements to seducing that one girl you really want that can cause a lot of mischief
  • What makes a girl fall in love? (Hint: it has nothing to do with what you say)
  • How to get a girl infatuated with you (and make her want to see you so bad it hurts)
  • An essential ingredient to make any woman fall in love with you (that can make her constantly overlook all the negative things you do)
  • One of the biggest reasons nice guys can’t keep the women they really like
  • Why some girls love to play games (and how you can ignite her desire to chase you… and keep chasing you)
  • And more!

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