The Online Game

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WARNING: This is only for men looking to hookup with a lot of women!

“The Secret Method for Picking-up The Hottest Singles On the Internet”

Have you ever thought how you can… consistently get dates…

Doing Nothing?

You don’t have to go to bars or clubs (if you don’t have time or you hate them) to meet girls.

You don’t risk ever getting rejected in front of other people.

You just do whatever you want… and still get dates.

If that got you thinking, let met tell you about…

Online Dating

It’s easier to meet women online than in real life. Why?

Because when they’re on a dating website, they’re also looking for their potential mate.

They’re single and they want to meet someone.

And maybe that someone is… YOU.

With that possibility, you can get 10 times as many dates. I mean, you just search for them and they get listed.

That’s like picking apples from a tree.

There are a lot of cute girls online, too.

You see, they want to maximize their options for meeting someone. And if all else fails, you can just make tons of friends.

And it’s fun.

But here’s the problem…

Most guys have no clue on what they’re doing.

And that’s your cue.

If you don’t want to be like those guys, you have to learn how to make online dating work for you.

That’s when you’ll need the book…

The Online Game: Internet Attraction System

The Online Game: Internet Attraction System

It tells you how to attract women online not just from dating sites… but also from social networking sites like Facebook.

It’s a combination of every online attraction strategy that WORKS.

It translates attraction in real life to attraction on the internet.

In short, it takes what works offline and use them online.

What’s in The Online Game?

Well, for that… let’s take a sneak peek at what’s inside inside…

The first six chapters are to prepare you to fully understand the methods.

You’ll learn why it works; it helps to put everything on perspective.

Most of the stuff were referenced from other seduction books. So… if you’ve read about “survival and replication” the you can skip this part if you want and proceed to…

The “Meat” of The Online Game

It starts at Chapter 7 on page 50 which is about your online dating profile.

Basically… you’ll want your profile to be about your positive traits without bragging or directly telling them something like “I’m super cool!”

Following that is about your profile pictures (Ch8).

I believe this to be the most important element in your profile since you’re nine times more likely to get random messages if you have a good profile picture.

Not only that, when you message others they will surely look at your profile and decide whether to reply back or not based on your picture.

And this chapter got that covered…

You’ll discover ALL the techniques to create your most magnetic pictures that…

Stand Out From the Rest
of the Guys Out There!

All in all, this chapter has actionable solid information on how to improve your profile picture and get your photos right… from lighting, what clothes to wear, body language, and what kind of pictures to include.

There’s even a section on photography and the camera you should be using to take your pictures.

online game pictures

You’ll also get to learn the truth about women and their pictures (Ch 9).

You’ll know which ones to avoid and the ones to go for.

There’s also a chapter on writing headlines that get clicks (Ch11) and choosing attractive usernames (Ch10).

Then you’ll learn how to put it all together to create an attractive profile (Ch12).

You’ll be able to use the step-by-step system for writing attractive and mysterious profiles that will keep women wondering and wanting you.

While previous chapters are specifically for getting random messages, now it’s time for you to…

Break The Digital Ice

Since a great deal of your dates will be from you taking the initiative… you’ll be armed with psychological tools proven to increase response rates compared to the average chump who don’t know what he’s doing.

You’ll learn to use the 5 psychological strategies you can employ in your messages to women that will attract them immediately (Ch 13).

After that, the following chapters deals with the second message and how to get phone numbers or her Instant Messenger user name as quickly as possible (Ch 14).

Here you’ll get seven key techniques for attracting women through IM conversations to get their phone number and meet them quickly.

Other guys’ jaw will drop from all the messages you’re getting from gorgeous babes.

After successfully getting her phone number using Instant Messenger (Ch 17) or other means, the next chapter deals with talking on the phone (Ch18) to set up the first date (Ch 21).

And with that, you’ve just got yourself a system for attracting women on dating websites.

But What About Facebook?

In social networking sites like Facebook, you’ll need a different approach but the same rule applies when setting up your profile and choosing your pictures.

All the details covered in the next two chapters (Ch19-20).

Here’s more of what you’ll learn:

  • A secret tip that makes attracting women online easier than in real life.
  • The 10 vital mistakes almost all men do that blow their chances when talking to women online.
  • How to convey humor and make those beautiful women laugh from just reading your profile or your messages.
  • How to use the internet to keep women in OTHER cities swooning for you until you visit. You’ll never have to pay for a hotel room ever again.
  • Learn how to effectively create INCREDIBLE amounts of sexual tension that she will love and respond to. Learn exactly when and how to implement them and drive her insane with sexual desire before you even meet her!
  • How to avoid the FATAL ERROR that 99.99% of guys make when e-mailing women online that automatically DESTROYS their chances of getting a reply back.
  • The most effective and powerful methods for attracting those women ON THE PHONE. Once you get their number, learn how to make her all yours.
  • The best way to make your first-impression on the first meet. Learn to start off with a bang and make her UNCONTROLLABLY attracted to you.
  • And more…

See It For Yourself!

The Online Game is easily one of the best if not “the” best book about online dating and online attraction which ANY guy can put to good use.

This 224 page e-book thoroughly guides you from picking photos to putting it all together to the messages up to your first date.

It’s easy to understand since there are examples (from writing your profile to IM conversations) and the author also answers some fan mails in every chapter for added information.

You’ll get free updates. And… bonuses, too.

To find out what they are, click the button below for more information.

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