How to Read Her Body Language More Effectively

If you want to know what a girl is feeling and thinking, you have to understand nonverbal cues.

That means being able to read body language.

Reading body language is such an essential part of attraction (and communication in general) that without it you’re like using Morse code to attract the woman you like.

Or you’ll be as good as blind to what she’s actually feeling.

To put things simply, if you want to interpret a woman’s body language, know if she’s flirting with you, or tell if she is attracted to you, you need to be able to read her body language accurately.

In this short article, I’ll help you understand the basics of body language and a simple exercise you can use to practice to improve your ability to read body language.

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How to Get a Woman to Like You

pretty girl likes you
Getting a pretty girl to like you starts with…

I’d like to start out by saying…

Getting a woman to like you may sound simple enough.

However, if she’s not interested in you, getting a girl to like you is a bit like pushing a boulder up a hill. Who wants to do that?

Remember, you can’t convince a woman to like you, ever.

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Using Body Language to Attract Women

Using the right body language is essential in attracting women.

As a matter of fact, having an attractive body language is “key” when you want to approach and attract beautiful women.

Even when you’re not talking, you are sending off body language cues that women subconsciously pick up on.

If you walk down the street with your head down and your hands in your pocket, what message are you sending to the people around you?

That’s the power of body language. You can send a message or attract women without saying anything.

And the moment you decide to change the message you want people to receive from your body language, you can do so in an instant.

What’s more, the changes you’ll have to make are small and subtle.

So what kind of body language can help you attract women?

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How To Get Out Of The Friend Zone

You can get out of the friend zone

Do you know the best way to get out of the dreaded friend zone?

It’s actually quite simple.

The best way to get out of the “friends zone” is… to avoid getting there in the first place.

But the truth is… women didn’t put you in the friend zone.

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How To Really Impress A Girl And Absolutely Wow Her

So you want to know how to impress a girl?

That’s understandable.

You want the girl to be impressed, to like you.

A natural urge.

After all, who wouldn’t want to get a pretty girl so impressed she’ll write songs about you.

Of course, you also want to stand out from all the other guys she’s been with — and the other guys circling around her who wants to be with her.

You want to show her that you’re better.

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6 Ways To Get Girls To Like You More

Do you want to get a pretty girl to like you over other guys wooing her? These are the things you should know!

How do you get her to like you?

That girl you just met.

Or that girl who you regularly see on your way down and wanted to meet for quite some time now.

How do get her interested enough that she’ll go out with you before you even ask.

How do you get a girl to like you?

There are several things you can do to raise her interest in you.

But are you sure she doesn’t like you already?

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