If you know exactly what you’re looking for in a girlfriend, it becomes easy to find a great girlfriend you can spend your whole life with.
Here’s a simple exercise that can help you:
Know exactly what you want
Get your pen and paper and write exactly what she’s like.
Imagine your ideal relationship.
What’s your girlfriend like in your ideal relationship? Describe her in detail.
What does she look like?
Her hair; what is its color, length, and style? The shape of her face, nose, lips. The color of her eyes, the sound of her voice, even the way she smiles.
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Her height; is she shorter or taller than you? Is she big breasted or flat as a board, or somewhere in between?
Is she sporty, nerdy, stylish, outgoing, loves to dance, or homey and sweet? Does she like the beach, mountains, and forests; pets?
What does she like to do? Her ethnicity, education, etc.
Write the traits, attitude, and personality that are particularly important to you.
You want to have a complete image of the girl you want. And you’ll know exactly what kind of girl are you looking for.
What happens is…
It will be imprinted deep in your mind, and you’ll be on the lookout for your kind of girl. This makes it easier to find her from all the women you meet.
Just think of it as having a built-in filter for the girl you’re looking for.
When you easily notice girls that match what you’re looking for, then you’ll have prospects and your potential girlfriend.
But, before you do something…
Important things to know about her
You have to make sure she’s not a psycho before it’s too late.
Find out about these things out early on, so you won’t have your emotions cloud your judgment because…
A girl may seem nice and sweet on the first date, but later, she may turn out to be a creep, crazy, or just there’s something terribly wrong with her that will make you run for the hills like a cat with its tail on fire.
You’ll also find out if she’s serious relationship material or not.
Just pay attention because even your first meeting will tell you a lot.
Here are some important things you want to know about her:
Her childhood and family
We are deeply influenced by the life we lived and experienced in our childhood and the place we grew up in.
This is especially more so by our relationships back then.
So, ask about her childhood.
What is it like?
Did she have a happy one or a troubled one?
Ask about her parents. Are they still married?
You know, girls who have a stable background also have the propensity to have a stable life later,
Get to know her relationship with her other family members, especially her father.
This is a crucial one for most women.
It will often define and be reflected in all the relationships she’ll have with other men throughout her life. That is to say, those with the best relationship with their fathers are the best girlfriends to have.
Her self-image
Know how she sees herself.
Is her self-image positive or negative? Does she have a healthy self-image? Does she truly approve of herself?
Does she need approval from others?
Or is she just faking it all?
Does she believe she’s capable of great things? Does she believe she deserves the good things that come in her life?
If she doesn’t, she’ll subconsciously sabotage the good things that happen to her, including her relationships.
Can you rely upon and trust her? This is a big deal because you can’t be in a healthy relationship with a dishonest person, even in the short term.
You need to be able to count on your partner, the person you should be able to count on.
If she has a streak of not keeping her word or not doing what she says she’ll do, cross her off your list.
Her past relationships
We fall into patterns that repeat over and over, and we’re not even aware of it.
Because of that, there’s a good chance her past relationships are a good indicator of what her future relationship with you is going to be like.
For instance, it’s not a good sign if a girl keeps getting into abusive relationships over and over. She may be carrying a lot more baggage underneath the surface. Girls who’ve often been abused makes complicated girlfriends.
Of course, you can’t be explicit about this.
You can’t just ask about this outright the very first time you see her. You need to use the art of being subtle.
Everybody got issues, but it’s better you find out about now rather than later, so just you know what you can live with and not.
You may have to go through a lot of women before you find the right one. So to make it all smooth, you should know your fundamentals and…
The Tao of Badass can help you with that.
Don’t rely on the heavens to drop the perfect girl in your lap
If you believe the right girl will come along at the right time, you’ll end up with some random girl you’ll eventually settle because no one better is around.
That’s just sad.
If you want the hot, smart girl who is a great relationship material, you need to be more proactive in your effort, to make it happen.
And when you find the right girl, make sure you keep her.
Don’t think that once you’re in a relationship with her, other guys won’t be eying her.
Being in a relationship with an attractive woman doesn’t make her safe from other interested guys. As long as she remains desirable to other men. You’ll always have competition.
So once you have her…
Don’t stop being attractive
Keep doing the things that attracted her to you in the first place. Continue being playful, tease her, keep seducing her, give her excitement because if you don’t keep doing what attracted her, you know what will happen.
If you found the right girl, and you’re absolutely serious about her, do it right. Make her fall in love with you.
If you’re only in it for a casual relationship, let her know and be clear about it while being classy and subtle.
She’ll be happy she found you if she’s looking for the same thing. As long as you’re honest and upfront with your intentions, women are much more open to this kind of arrangement than what most guys realize.
In closing, if you know exactly the kind of girl you’re looking for, it’ll be easy to find the right, long-term girlfriend for you. And if you want to keep her, don’t stop the conquest.
FREE: Get Her Infatuated With You!
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