Getting a Girl’s Attention

When you can get a woman’s attention…

Getting a girl’s attention is a key skill to have. Because unless you know how to get her attention, almost nothing can get started with a girl.

If you fail to catch her eye…

  • You won’t be able to attract her,
  • You won’t be able to keep her interested, and
  • You won’t be able to get her emotionally invested.

So it is necessary that you know how to get a girl to notice you and how to get her to give you her attention.

In its most basic form, what holds attention holds value. What do I mean by value? Well, certainly not monetary value. It’s simply having something to offer someone. The world is a noisy place. Being outstanding makes you stand out.

The three stages of attention

There are three stages of attention. There is the first stage, which is a reaction to stimuli like a loud noise. The next stage is when people start consciously focusing on something. And the last stage of attention is long-term interest in something or someone. It is these three stages that most go through you have to keep in mind when you want to get a girl’s attention and keep it.

If you’re a song, it’s not enough that you get her to listen once or twice, you have to make her a lifelong fan. That’s why you have to know how to keep her coming back for more.

Get her attention automatically

When you stand out in a sea of other guys, you can get a woman’s attention almost automatically.

And that extends to your group. When a group stands out in a venue, they gather the attention of women. Often, girls will want to be part of the group that’s having the most fun party. And when you’re at the center of that party, girls will tend to focus their attention on you.

Or if you play a team sport, being the star player of your team will get you more attention than you’ll know what to do with if your team wins often.

Being the leader will also make you stand out in whatever group you belong. Being a leader, someone who steps up and takes responsibility, also makes you worth paying attention to.

If you are talented at something, it will be a waste not to embrace such a worthy attention magnet. No one can’t resist knowing that one guy who’s superb at what he does. People automatically pay attention to experts or authority figures.

Being different gets you her attention

To get girls’ attention, you need to stand out. And standing out is being different.

So if most guys orbiting a beautiful woman compliment her, raise her on a pedestal, offer her gifts, and one guy comes along who’s not afraid to rock the boat, what do you think will happen?

Right. He will get her attention.

Most guys don’t approach women in the daytime, or most guys don’t approach women at all. So having the confidence and skill to start a conversation with a girl you happen to meet on your way to the station will not only get her attention, but you will also imprint your encounter with her throughout her day.

If most of the people around her are frowning, scowling, and grimacing with their long faces, be the cheer in her world of gloom and you will definitely stand out and be the center of her attention. You know what that means, right? Make her laugh and you can keep all her attention to yourself.

This isn’t just about being funny, but more about having a positive outlook on life and being pleasant to be around. People who are genuinely happy and smile a lot tend to naturally draw other people towards them. So be the positive in the negativity that surrounds her. Make her feel good and she will always want to be around you. And her friends, too.

Have fun and enjoy yourself. Do something you enjoy.

How being vulnerable can get her attention

If you want a girl’s attention, you have to be able to relate. Most guys bottle up their emotions due to social conditioning and it usually works against them. No one is perfect, so don’t try. To have a girl identify and feel connected to you, showing vulnerability is the way. You’re human with flaws, and trying to make yourself more like a superhuman will make anyone feel you’re fake. Instead, it’s better to be tangible and real so she can have something to attach her attention to.

How you look can get a woman’s attention

Out of all the ways to get a girl’s attention, dressing yourself better is one of the quickest ways to do that. Have your own unique style. Put a bit of extra effort into how you look and you’ll have enough heads turning, including hers. If you’re not sure how, observe what looks good and gets your attention from other people or popular publications. No matter your size or shape, you can look sexy with a little effort.

Of course, a classy suit and great tie won’t do you well if your body is out of shape and your posture is terrible. Grooming, hygiene, get it done. Take care of how you look. It shows that you respect yourself and make you worth looking at.

Draw her attention to you with confidence

Have you noticed that guys who are not comfortable will often shrink back? And did you also notice no one ever pays attention to them? So if you want the attention of a girl, do the opposite and own the space around you. Throw your shoulders back, take your hands off your pocket, and instantly you become more confident. That is exactly what attracts women’s attention.

When you look at a girl, she will usually look back. You see, a girl notices when somebody notices her. Or if she’s caught up in something, call out her name. Now you have her attention.

You can also use what scientists believe captures attention, like piquing someone’s interest using their natural curiosity, switching things up, and telling stories. And if you want your stories to be compelling, add suspense.

Getting her attention online

In virtual space, there is a multitude of things competing for her attention. So the key to getting a hot girl’s attention online is to zig while everyone else zags.

If you’re into online dating, you know that too many guys are telling her how sexy she is every single day. Any of your comments won’t impress her unless it’s something unique and interesting about her.

Better yet, read her profile and send her a personalized message or a thoughtful note. To stand out in her inbox, make sure you lead it with something she could not pass up. It could be about her profile, something about you, something hilarious or off-the-wall, or simply something clever. The same rules apply when you want to send her a text message that gets her attention.

In closing

In a social setting, if she is paying attention to you, then so will others. If you’re not used to the attention, it can be quite the uncomfortable experience. Especially if you’re used to being a shy chameleon blending into the background. But if you want to attract women, or even friends, getting positive attention is a massive help.

Don’t blend. Instead, play up your individual personality and the man you are. Show it in the choices you make. But of course, don’t be too far out there. Being a little unique can turn on the charm.

Get excited. Be willing to break the mold. Most girls have already seen enough boring guys bring them to tears. Being a little unexpected will attract her attention. Don’t be afraid to emphasize and play up why you are different. Someone who doesn’t shy away from doing the hard things in life and takes the easy way out deserves respect and attention.

Be someone worth the attention of the girl you like.


The get her infatuated series

If you would like to get more success with women, go out on more dates, and get more women back to your bedroom… you need to click the button below and discover…

  • Seduction sins that are secretly killing your chances with girls you really like (This is why girls you fall for never seem to like you back)
  • A simple trick that gets a girl to buy you a drink and boosts her attraction towards you at the same time
  • The main reasons girls lose interest (even when they seemed to really like you)
  • The “boyfriend behaviors” that make you look needy
  • One simple move that will boost the attraction level of any girl that takes almost no skill to pull off and taps into more psychology than almost anything else you can do
  • How to get a female friend to desire you sexually and have her fantasizing about you
  • One of the critical elements to seducing that one girl you really want that can cause a lot of mischief
  • What makes a girl fall in love? (Hint: it has nothing to do with what you say)
  • How to get a girl infatuated with you (and make her want to see you so bad it hurts)
  • An essential ingredient to make any woman fall in love with you (that can make her constantly overlook all the negative things you do)
  • One of the biggest reasons nice guys can’t keep the women they really like
  • Why some girls love to play games (and how you can ignite her desire to chase you… and keep chasing you)
  • And more!

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