Things You Should Never Say to a Woman You Like

Shhh… Don’t say it!

What are the things you should never say to a woman?

There are statements that can be insensitive or offensive to a woman.

Sometimes guys forget themselves and say these things they should never say to a woman, and then wonder why she got upset or looks at him with piercing eyes burning with disgust.

Or the attraction she had for you just dies.

And to avoid damages, sometimes it’s better to keep your mouth closed and let someone else take the heat. While you get all the love.

What not to say to a woman you like

Almost all women are sensitive about how she looks, so don’t mention anything that will negatively impact her self-esteem with regards to her appearance. Unless, of course, you’re helping her put together an ensemble.

So watch out making comments about her weight, age, or shoes unless it’s a genuine compliment on your part.

Now if you want to attract her, here are some things to never say if you don’t want to get repelled. Remember what attracts women to men? Use that as a guide on how to act in front of her and the things you should say to her.

That means being a real man who’s in control and in charge of his life and circumstance. Someone who doesn’t seek to impress. So don’t say anything that mentions your new sports car or how much money you’ve got in the bank which can only be interpreted as bragging.

If you want to take her out, don’t seek permission. Just ask her out outright and plan for it. Do it in a confident and self-assured way and tell her what you’re gonna do together. Make it sound like fun and that she’ll miss out big-time if she didn’t come.

Don’t rely on her to think of where and what you’re going to do. Since you’re the one who asked her out, it’s only right that you have some plan. If you don’t, check out some date ideas.

Continue to lead the way for her throughout the date while keeping calm and not asking for mommy if she wants to do this or that. And to really enjoy the date, and not face a bomb waiting to explode, avoid talking bad about people she knows.

That includes her friends and family, no matter how much you don’t like them. That just showing her your insecurity and talking trash about someone is never a good thing, anyway.

And when you stepped on a land mine about to explode, don’t tell her to relax. Don’t say it. Just go along and agree to what she’s saying and show you understand. And next time, remember the things to never say to a woman.

Other things she’s tired of hearing

Don’t say she’s not like other girls. It may sound nice but she probably don’t like being compared to any other girl or putting other women down. Especially if those other girls are her friends.

Think of a better compliment that will make her feel warm inside.

Don’t say things that imply she has no other things going for her other than her looks.

Don’t tell her how she’s feeling, ever. Simply don’t assume things about her. And take whatever she says at face value.

Don’t mention anything about hormones when she’s having a bad day or a very strong emotional reaction to something.

Don’t let her hear you say anything about her not looking her best–“you look tired”. She’s aware of how she looks. And just don’t critique her appearance in general–that includes her wardrobe choices.

Don’t suggest she should smile more. Saying something like, ‘You’d be prettier if you smiled more’ is unsolicited advice.

Don’t compliment her and then follow it up with, “…for a woman.”

Don’t tell a woman to ask someone how to do something. It implies their work isn’t good enough.

There are many other things you should never say to a woman. In general, these are statements that…

  • Belittle or patronize her
  • Generalize or stereotype her
  • Dismiss her
  • Objectify her

Hopefully you get the idea.

A gentleman treats everyone with respect. Don’t be that idiot who say inappropriate things without thinking.

Be mindful of the impact of your words on a girl.

Be more aware and considerate of your interactions with women.


The get her infatuated series

If you would like to get more success with women, go out on more dates, and get more women back to your bedroom… you need to click the button below and discover…

  • Seduction sins that are secretly killing your chances with girls you really like (This is why girls you fall for never seem to like you back)
  • A simple trick that gets a girl to buy you a drink and boosts her attraction towards you at the same time
  • The main reasons girls lose interest (even when they seemed to really like you)
  • The “boyfriend behaviors” that make you look needy
  • One simple move that will boost the attraction level of any girl that takes almost no skill to pull off and taps into more psychology than almost anything else you can do
  • How to get a female friend to desire you sexually and have her fantasizing about you
  • One of the critical elements to seducing that one girl you really want that can cause a lot of mischief
  • What makes a girl fall in love? (Hint: it has nothing to do with what you say)
  • How to get a girl infatuated with you (and make her want to see you so bad it hurts)
  • An essential ingredient to make any woman fall in love with you (that can make her constantly overlook all the negative things you do)
  • One of the biggest reasons nice guys can’t keep the women they really like
  • Why some girls love to play games (and how you can ignite her desire to chase you… and keep chasing you)
  • And more!

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