How To Deal With Flaky Girls

Every once in a while, you’ll meet a flaky girl.

She’ll cancel dates, making up excuses or just be plain undecided whether she wants to go out with your for the night or stay at home nursing her sick chihuahua.

You’ve heard it all before, “Sorry, can’t make it… blah blah blah!”. All the while you’re standing there waiting patiently for her to arrive, nervously enduring the stares of some people passing by wondering when the date you’re waiting for will come.

Flaky girls, it happens.

You’ll just have to deal with them or avoid them altogether from happening. How? You gotta make her excited into coming to see you and spending a day with you.

And for that to happen, you just have build up enough suspense or anticipation for what you’ve plan the two of you will do.

Saying something like going to the movies to watch the latest flick won’t likely get any girl sleepless nights because of excitement if she’s got tons of friends and other guys waiting in line.

Even before that, you should have made her attracted to you, created some real bond and strong connection together that she wouldn’t think twice of trusting you and spending some alone time together in some soft, comfortable place.

And… rekindle all of that in the way you text with her so she doesn’t forget you, even for a moment. The same way you get her excited and ready to go out with you even before you ask her out on a date or just to hang out.

If all else fails, go to the next girl on your phone book.

You don’t have to be only going out with just one girl for the night. At least have a backup plan in case the unexpected happen. Either you meet a new girl or keep someone warm and ready on the side.

So, to deal with flaky girls, get your first interactions just right.

Attract her and build some rapport with her. If you’ve gone through that process successfully over and over, flaky chicks won’t get anywhere near you or, at least, keep them to a minimum.


The get her infatuated series

If you would like to get more success with women, go out on more dates, and get more women back to your bedroom… you need to click the button below and discover…

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  • What makes a girl fall in love? (Hint: it has nothing to do with what you say)
  • How to get a girl infatuated with you (and make her want to see you so bad it hurts)
  • An essential ingredient to make any woman fall in love with you (that can make her constantly overlook all the negative things you do)
  • One of the biggest reasons nice guys can’t keep the women they really like
  • Why some girls love to play games (and how you can ignite her desire to chase you… and keep chasing you)
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