How To Approach A Mixed Group Of Girls and Guys

how to approach a mixed group of girls and guys
Do you want to meet women with their group of friends?

Here’s a scenario for you…

You’re with some friends–two guys, one female, and two other girls you only know a little.

Let’s just say they’re friends of friends.

You’re out socializing and having a good time when… a guy walks towards your group and starts a conversation with your female friend.

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Do You Fear Approaching Women?

do you fear approaching women
Why do guys fear approaching women?

You shouldn’t!

Sure. Walking up to a girl and starting a conversation with her can be very uncomfortable, daunting, even scary.

Just the thought of it can trigger flight or fight response if you haven’t done it before.

But once you’ve done it enough, you’ll be like a fish in the sea.


Why is approaching women one of the biggest fears most guys have when it comes to interacting with women?

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How to Approach A Girl In Public

how to approach women
“Hey, How long are you going to stand there and stare?”

If you ever wanted to approach a random cute girl, your crush, or any girl you don’t know and start a conversation with her but couldn’t… then you’re about to learn how to approach women… anytime… anywhere.

Approaching women, if you break it down, if you look at it from a detached perspective, is easy.

After all, if you want to get close to her, you just need to take the first step and continue until you’re close enough to talk.

Close enough to get her attention, if you don’t have it already, and then you start the conversation with her.

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