How to Be More Attractive to Women

how to be attractive to women

You can be more attractive to women.

Albert Einstein once said:

“Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.”

I believe that’s the best way to handle most things, so let’s keep things simple.

If you want to be attractive to women, you have to remove or change what’s unattractive about you.

You should shed all the things that makes you “ugly.”

She will not see your what’s attractive about you… if it’s covered with garbage… if it’s buried underneath a layer of “ugliness.”

So it’s time to clean up… to get rid of the ugly and…

Bring Out Your Sparkle

And as you may know, shiny things always get a lot of attention.

How many and how much work you need depends on you.

Where are you at right now? Are you covered by a thick layer of un-attractiveness? Or do you just need to take a couple of baths to be attractive?

And if you want to be attractive to women…. this fact remains:

It’s time to…

Bring Out Your Attractive Qualities!

First, you need to identify what’s unattractive about you.

Make a list if you have to.

To get started… here’s a list of the most common:

Your Looks Matter

Make yourself look your best.

Find out what makes you look “ugly” physically. Ugly here simply means not taking care of yourself and not about your God-given looks.

Sure. Tall guys get most girls looking up at them, but nothing you can really do when you’re on the short side of the population.

Instead, focus on something you actually can do something about like having the body of a spartan!

What’s the state of your body? Are you overweight?

Simply put, when you’re in shape… women will want to touch your arms and abs and say with round eyes, “Oh my God!”

Does your hair fit with how you look? What sort of image are you trying to project? Do you have a good style?

When you have a good style, women will notice and compliment you. You don’t even have to do anything and they’ll talk to you on their own.

You you can change most of these things relatively quickly and become the handsome man you are. You can follow what’s outlined in this guide if you have no clue where to start.

Also take note of your posture.

Your body language tells a lot about you, and bad body language is unattractive to anyone. Working out and doing some exercise can fix your posture and a lot more.

Take pride on how you look.

That’s a good start and the easy part… but if you want long lasting attractiveness. you have to take a look at your inner self because…

Personality Matters More

Keeping the simplicity… it’s basically how you deal with everything in life, your attitude towards other people and your view of life.

If your life’s a mess right now… get a life coach if you have to.

You want to remove any negativity and strive to be more positive.

Taking a closer look at how you do things in your life will affect your confidence.

You know confidence is very attractive to women.

You can be a douche and not care what anyone else thinks and women won’t let go of your arms.

It shows in how you make eye contact, how you move your body (body language), and how you are around women.

If you want girls to look at you with giant eyes and a huge smile, don’t act spineless around her. Tease her and don’t take her seriously.

So just relax, have fun, and enjoy yourself (if you find yourself around hot women).

And… don’t be boring.

Use your sense of humor. If you don’t think you’re funny… there’s always something you can do to fix that and learn the type of humor that attracts women.

Learn to use the right kind of humor that make girls look up to you not down.

Having that in your arsenal allows you to converse in interesting ways. And being able to make mundane small talk to sexy is always an attractive quality to have.

Just remember to not show too much interest in her. You don’t need to rush to reply to her text the moment you get her message. If you’re genuinely busy, it can wait as long as you need.

Give her a chance to chase you. Women enjoys that more than men putting her on the pedestal.

What’s Next?

This is by no means everything.

Like I said above, it’s just something to get you started… but once you’ve cleaned up your act… all that will be left will be the “attractive” man hiding inside.

If you’re serious and do most of these things… you’ll have the traits that attracts women to men.

The next step now on how to be attractive to women would be… to find what’s attractive about you and to emphasize them.

But know also that women have specific types of men they like (not all will be interested no matter how attractive you are).

If you want to be more attractive to women you have to learn more about attracting women the right way.

You can start by being social and developing your social intelligence.

Use the assume attraction mindset, set the context of the interaction, and act and think like you are “the prize.”

Do not become a part of her world. Make her excited to be a part of your world. Do your own thing and make it your priority.

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