Revolutionary Sex

revolutionary sex book

Revolutionary Sex is a straightforward manual that leaves no stones unturned to help turn you — as fast as possible — into a complete master in the bedroom. 

Yes, you can become a master in the bedroom because this book is much more than a how-to manual.

The methods, ideas, philosophies are different than any other materials out there, and completely different from the way most men think about sex.

And has taken many years to figure out.

It’s an entirely different way of looking at how to be great in bed.

Even just a quick read-through is enough to guarantee that you will be her hero in bed starting tonight.

Just take a peek at a few of the amazing tips, secrets, techniques you’ll find inside:

  • Touch these 5 little known spots on her body so you can start turning her on before you even get to the bedroom.
  • An almost “too easy” way to double the intensity of a woman’s orgasm. No special techniques or skills required. Works with women of all levels of sexual experience.
  • What to do when a woman “thinks” she can’t orgasm with a man or has never orgasmed at all. (You can’t begin to imagine how hooked on you she’ll be when you’re the first one to do it.)
  • The 6-step method men would kill for that could give any woman an orgasm–guaranteed!
  • Know exactly how to please her like no other man. You’ll know how to easily find out what turns a woman on and what gets her off without having to ask. 
  • The dangerous mistake men make that ruins it for her and make it impossible for her to have an orgasm. 

Myths about size, stamina, and performance

  • How to completely satisfy a woman even if you’re below average in size. (This tip will change your life and you might regret it if you don’t learn this.)
  • How to make her feel like you are the perfect size for her. (This is why some women brag to their friends about a guy even though he’s “smaller.”)
  • A simple little-known secret that allows you to last as long as you want.
  • How long you need to last to blow her mind. (It’s not as long as you think. Not even the amount of time most men think women want them to last.)
  • How to cure premature ejaculation forever–guaranteed. (This secret is worth its own book.)
  • How to ensure you perform like a rockstar. 
  • What to do when you experience performance anxiety to remove all awkwardness from the situation and tricks your brain into sending your equipment into gear.
  • A simple way to eliminate performance anxiety and make it a thing of the past. (You’ll kick yourself for not knowing this sooner.)

Get her excited and crazy for you before the foreplay

  • The 3 things you must do outside of the bedroom that makes her want to tear your clothes off inside the bedroom.
  • Display these 2 traits and women will become aroused when they’re around you, even if you’re not the “type” they usually go for.
  • A question to ask when you are making love that makes her want to brag to her friends about how great the two of you are together.
  • A simple trick that makes your woman twice as likely to reach orgasm when she is with you and in half the amount of time.
  • How to as quickly as tonight spark new feelings of fiery passion in a relationship that’s gotten a little stale.

Secrets spots that drive her wild

  • An extremely sensitive and pleasurable area for a woman no doctor will ever tell you about. (You can only learn about this from experience.)
  • Why most guys completely miss her G spot… even after they learn the common methods to find it. 
  • How to stimulate her in a way that no man has done before. (You can do this with almost any woman once you know the secret.)
  • Exactly what to do to zero in on the clitoris and amaze her every time.

Women who have difficulty reaching orgasm or have never had an orgasm

  • You’re on top of a girl for ages, she’s moaning, enjoying it… but no matter how long you go, she just doesn’t seem to get all the way “there.” Use this easy orgasm technique that completely solves this.
  • Special positions that are practically guaranteed to take her over the top when your woman can only have an orgasm through oral sex, but not intercourse.
  • Make the guys she’s been with before you look like clumsy teenagers with a way to spice up any sex position and double the stimulation.
  • How to get a woman who can only have an orgasm with a vibrator addicted to you instead.
  • A special twist on a well-known sex position that hits the G spot dead on and forces a woman to have the best orgasm of her life.

Next level of sexual ecstasy, oral sex tips, anal sex tips, multiple orgasms, stacked orgasms, and female ejaculation techniques

  • Special oral sex techniques that take her beyond her limits and over the edge giving her an orgasm that is more intense than even she thinks she can handle.
  • A way to use your body to give her the same feelings she thought she could only get from a vibrator.
  • Foreplay tips to build the sexual tension to get her begging you to go down on her. (This is key to getting her into a frenzy for you.)
  • She’s tried anal sex before but didn’t enjoy it? Here’s how to get past her resistance and get her excited about trying it out again.
  • If she’s never tried it, this will show you how to talk about it, how to build up the fantasy in her mind, and how to get her to experience this with you.
  • A special anal sex position that drives a woman completely wild. (This position produces incredibly intense orgasms and often leads to female ejaculation.)
  • And much, much more…

Including these female orgasm techniques that can be very, very intense, and can quite literally turn your woman into a nymphomaniac who won’t leave you alone.

It’s advisable that you only use these lovemaking techniques with a woman you are comfortable with being intimate with often.

  • A secret way to give a woman one orgasm after another after another until she literally cannot take it anymore. (All women have the ability to experience this but almost no men know how to show them. She will remember you forever after you do this.)
  • How to get a woman to “bounce back” into climax when she is coming down and extend her orgasms, prolonging them for as long as she can handle it. (Some women can even experience a profound feeling of euphoria long after you’re done.)
  • How to literally “stack” her orgasms on top of each other. You’ll know a technique to use while she is having an orgasm to lift her into a more powerful orgasm then repeat the process to take her to higher and higher levels of ecstasy. (This will very likely be the most intense thing a woman ever experiences. Some women might actually pass out in your arms from this female orgasm technique because the pleasure is so intense. )
  • Why most women don’t ever experience female ejaculation and how to make any woman squirt with the right tips and techniques.
  • The 5-step method to give a woman that elusive super-powerful, squirting orgasm you have always about, but so few have actually experienced.

Turning her on with your words and bringing your wildest fantasies to life

  • How to find out if she likes “dirty talk” or “seductive whispering” and what kind of talk turns her on.
  • The first thing you must say to a woman in bed if you want her to please you in the ways you want.
  • The one thing you must never say to a woman in bed — if you want to see her again.
  • How to get her to reveal her biggest turn-ons to you and get her fantasizing about you before you get in the bedroom.
  • And many more…

This book is packed with the best secrets, tips, and techniques on female orgasm, foreplay, sex positions, female ejaculation, and more, things that have taken many years and thousands of hours to figure out.

Click Here To Download!

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