Pimp Your Lingo

Imagine you’re with a gorgeous woman leaning in, listening intently to every word you say.

You notice how easy it is to draw her in, how she gets too excited finding out about you. So you tease her about it. She laughs and begs you to keep going.

Anyone who sees you will think…

  • You are one of those guys who have an amazing time with women. 
  • You have more fun talking to a girl while getting her all turned on. 
  • You can escalate things when you want to — in a subtle and natural way — that women enjoy it a lot.

All of this is possible, even if you are frustrated or confused about talking to women right now.


Pimp Your Lingo helps transform you into a guy that attracts women when you talk to them.

Pimp Your Lingo

You can get women intrigued, turned on, make them think about you, and want to hook up with you.

With real examples of conversation with women, you’ll evolve your natural conversation skills to attract and seduce women via text, phone, or in-person.

Created by Stephan Erdman, Pimp Your Lingo is a high-quality audio program with a length of more than 8 hours.

This training program has been filtered to only include the conversation methods and techniques that have helped the author personally — and his coaching clients — attract amazing women.

NOTE: Before you click any link, please be sure to read until the end because it is important that you get the whole picture.

What You’ll Discover

Pimp Your Lingo is organized into three main modules.

  • The Inner Game of Conversations contains the concepts and key lessons to understand the inner game of conversation so you can master the foundations that apply to any social interaction. 
  • The Connection Factors teaches you how to connect, how to be persuasive, how to create rapport, how to be in control of the conversation, and how to be in a state of flow. 
  • The Attraction Factors shows you how to flirt with women, how to create sexual tension, how to create attraction, how to make women laugh, how to seduce women, how to get women to chase you, and how to have the time of your life flirting with girls.

These are techniques you can use in your text messages, calls, and in-person interactions.

And everything is demonstrated. 

Here is a list of what you’ll learn:

  • The secrets to attracting more high-quality women faster and easier.
  • Methods to turn any boring conversation into a foreplay session that stimulates not just her mind but also her body.
  • How to never run out of things to say — freezing up will be a thing of the past.
  • A simple linguistic technique to become the guy she fantasizes about right before she sleeps.
  • The most horrible conversation habits that have killed your chances with hot girls so far.
  • A simple conversation framework that turns you into a guy that attracts women as soon as you open your mouth.
  • Cure to any of your creepy tendencies.
  • 17 tested and proven conversation techniques that can make you irresistible to women.
  • A sneaky way to drive a girl crazy with anticipation via text, phone, or in-person.
  • 3 conversation topics to focus on when you’re talking to women you’re attracted to that build connection, trust, and insane attraction.
  • The secret tactic that makes women want to seduce and please you. (Don’t be surprised if she makes moves and pressures you into getting physical.)
  • 6 conversation fun tactics to break even the shyest and quietest girl out of her shell.
  • And so much more…

Click here to visit the official product page!

What You’ll Get

Included in the main Pimp Your Lingo audio training program are quite a few special FREE bonuses:

  • 6 Ways To Develop A Voice That Attracts Women (Voice Training with Stephan Erdman & Actress Ivana Basic)
  • Instant Rapport Approach Formula Video Training
  • Pimp Your Lingo Special Report (Advanced PYL Strategies Explained) 
  • Using Pimp Your Lingo Online Video Training 

And of course, you’re covered by an unconditional money-back guarantee. You’ll get all of these as soon as you get access to the secure members’ area.

You can get started right away by clicking the link below:

Click here to visit the official product page!

Final Thoughts

If you’re a guy just starting to get into meeting and attracting women, and you’re looking to be able to attract women when you talk, Pimp Your Lingo might be the conversation training program you’re looking for.

As you know, this program is based on the author’s personal and coaching clients’ testing. So what you’ll be getting are the techniques that have been proven to work.

Here’s what I like about this: 

Stephan talks in a way that is easy to understand, and he doesn’t make the concepts or techniques complicated in any way. That keeps most audio sessions short so you can quickly listen to the techniques.

There are plenty of examples and they are demonstrated with Lisa, Nadia, and his other friends. And I think that’s where you’ll get the most value out of this.

I particularly like the many options you have to deal with — in fun ways — boring questions you can surely expect to get asked a lot of times like:

  • Where are you from?
  • What do you do?
  • How long have you been here?

And at the end, he gives you practice instructions on how to get the most out of the Pimp Your Lingo program. 

He tells you exactly how to practice the skills to get to a level where you don’t have to think about it consciously anymore.

With that being said, this is not entertainment.

This is a set of powerful tools you are supposed to use. If you don’t plan to use this program… if you don’t talk to anyone after purchasing the product, please leave.

With that out of the way, this program could be easily discounted as being basic and foundational. 

So if you’re one of those smooth talkers who can charm women into bed with your golden tongue, I have a question for you: What are you still doing here?


Another aspect to consider about the main program is that there is nothing in there about the delivery, tone, or body language aspect of communication. 

It is all about language purity with a focus on words or the verbal part of communication.

Fortunately, the update came with a new bonus for making more of your voice to help your voice become more attractive and confident sounding.

To sum it up, Pimp Your Lingo won’t blow your mind. This is a program for you to work with and use in your day to day interaction where…

  • You’ll learn the process of how conversations actually work. 
  • You’ll discover simple techniques that help you connect with anyone (man or woman) online, on the phone, or in-person.
  • You’ll get how to develop attraction with women when you speak to them — so you can turn any long or short conversation with a woman you like into an opportunity to attract her and seduce her. 
  • And many more.


If you’re a shy or introverted guy who wants to level up your conversation skills in a way that creates a strong bond and attract women when you talk to them, I suggest you focus first on the inner game section of the Pimp Your Lingo training program.

Do it step by step.

You need to listen to it repeatedly, use it in your conversation and let it sink in.

To get immediately started in transforming into a guy who attracts women when you talk to them…

Click here to check it out today »

Be sure to also check out some more real life feedback from guys who have used the program before you.


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