How to Talk to Anyone by Leil Lowndes

How to Talk to Anyone: 92 Little Tricks for Big Success in Relationships by Leil Lowndes.

How to talk to anyone book cover

Communication is very important.

In fact, 85% of success comes from your communication skills.

Communication, in all forms, plays a very important role in life.

You simply have more friends, more money, and more women if you have the skills in dealing with other people.

How to Talk to Anyone builds on the classic How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie.

It cites that it’s outdated for the world today. And then tell what to do but not how to do it.

What’s inside

This book is full of uniquely named little tricks you can use to fill your bag of communication tricks.

With actionable tips to help you master the art of conversation, leave great impression, and make people feel comfortable around you, you can use these little tricks to make friends, persuade people, and attract women.

It’s very useful. You can use it when meeting someone for the first time, at parties, in phones conversations, and more.

If you tend to sweat when meeting new people, things usually go fine after the initial hurdle. So the author suggests you skip the sweaty awkward part. How? By grabbing someone who knows the person you want to talk to and, either having him introduce you, or asking for a few details you can use to start a conversation.

It’s very well organized. You know communication starts even before you utter a word and that’s where also the book starts. It then continues as the relationship progresses all the way to talking to the big cats.

What you can use to talk to women

Although it gives a variety of tricks to use when talking to people, some of the useful one’s for interacting with women include:

  • Ways to make a good first impression. You’ll get the ideal image on how to look like a somebody using your body language. How to fine tune your smile to make it more genuine and personal. And using your eyes to connect with someone.
  • How to make small talk. Put your listener at ease and sound more exciting whatever first word you say. Another good one is carrying something to make someone curious they’ll ask you about it. And there you have the start of a conversation.
  • How to establish deep rapport. How to properly answer common questions or how to handle it when you don’t want to answer. How to come across as positive, smarter, and avoid sounding like a jerk.

Make them feel you’re alike because people feel more comfortable to someone just like them.

How to instantly connect and have that special moment together.

Another important section is about compliments and how to give them without sounding like you want something. According to the book, there are misconceptions about praise especially around when and how to deliver it.

And the talking on the phone section has some hilarious stories.

A word of caution

There’s a lot of tricks in there, 92 all in all.

In my experience, it’s kinda boring to read it all at once. So take your time or read sections that interest you first. Occasionally experiment on some of them so you don’t drown on tactics you never use.

It’s possible, no, I’m pretty sure you already know some of them. What’s important is there’s a lot more you can add to your own.

Add more to your little tricks

If these 92 little tricks are not enough for you, you can continue with How to Instantly Connect with Anyone. And add 96 more little tricks to your bag of communication tricks. That’s another very practical how-to guide from the same author.

Keep in mind:

Success with women is success with other people.

What it comes down to is that this is a good book that everyone should read.

It’s a must if you want to master talking to anyone and win more hearts and achieve more success in life.

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